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Diposting oleh Primbon Bella
Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

The 2 semester . . .

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella
Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Fight against to feel lazyly , finally finish posting of english for semester 2 . Needing storm & stress to fight against to feel slack me .


Diposting oleh Primbon Bella
Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Invitation .

To invite some 1

I would like you to . . .
We would be pleased if you could . . .
Would you like to . . . ?
Shall we . . . ?
How about . . . ?

To accept an invitation

Thank you . Yes , I would like to . . .
Yes , I would . Thanks .
That would be very nice . Thank you .
All right !
O . K . !

To refuse / decline an invitation

I would love to , but . . .
That ’ s nice / great . Unfortunately / However . . .
That ’ s very kind of you , but . . .
Sorry , that wouldn ’ t be possible . Thanks anyway .

Narrative Text

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella

Narrative Text 

Snow Maiden

Once upon a time there lived a couple in a village . They had got married for a long time , but so far they did not have a baby yet . Every single minute they prayed to God , begged for a baby , but it never came true .

1 day , they went to snow mountain . They made a girl from snow & they dressed her beautifully . When it got dark , they decided to go home & left the snow girl alone . The following morning , some 1 knocked the door . " Any body home ? ” she said . The old woman inside opened the door & asked , " Who are you ? " The girl said " I ' m Snow Maiden , your daughter " . The old woman was surprised & happy , " Oh , really ? Thanks God ! Come in , please ! " Since that meeting , they lived happily .

Snow Maiden was beautiful , kind , diligent & helpful . Her parents & all of her friends loved her very much . 1 day , Snow Maiden played with her friends . They played fire . At first , Snow Maiden just looked at their play . Suddenly , her friends asked her to jump on the fire . Of course she refused it because 1 thing that made her afraid was the fire . It ' s because Snow Maiden was made of snow , so she should avoid the fire . But her friends kept on forcing her to jump on . Finally , she could not do anything then she did it . She jumped on the fire & she melted . Her friends were so sorry about this , they cried & cried hoping Snow Maiden could live again , but it was useless . Snow Maiden would not be back anymore . Her mother tried to entertain Snow Maiden ' s friends & asked them to make a new Snow Maiden . They went to a snow mountain & started making it . They expected to have the new Snow Maiden . Days passed but their dreams never came true .

Poor them !

Narrative Text

Narrative text is a text which contains about story ( fiction / non fiction / tales / folktales / fables / myths / epic ) & in its plot consists of climax of the story ( complication ) then followed by the resolution .

Generic Structures :

Orientation - Complication - Evaluation ( optional ) – Resolution

Orientation :

It is about WHO , WHEN , & WHERE the story happened . 

Evaluation :

It is usually used to make the story more interesting .

Complication :

It is about the conflict / the big problem of the story .  

Complication is the part of the story in which there is a conflict among the characters of the story ( it is possible to make more than 1 conflict in a complication ) , & it is the climax of the story ( the big problem in the story ) . A story can have more than 1 complication . 

Resolution :

It is the solution of the problem . It can be a happy / sad ending .  In Resolution , the solution / the way out of the conflict / the big problem must be written .

Coda :

It is the change of 1 of the character / 2 , / the meaning of the story that can be caught as a moral value of life .

Asking For Information

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella


Asking For Information

Asking for Information

There are a number of formulas used when asking for information in English . Here are some of the most common :

 Could you tell me . . . ?
 Do you know . . . ?
 Do you happen to know . . . ?
 I ' d like to know . . .
 Could you find out . . . ?
 I ' m interested in . . .
 I ' m looking for . .

These 2 forms are used for asking for information on the telephone :

 I ' m calling to find out . . .
 I ' m calling about . . . 

Asking If Someone Remembers / Not

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella

Asking If Someone Remembers / Not

Practice The Expressions

Formal Expressions

I wonder if you remember . . .
You remember . . . , don ’ t you ?
You haven ’ t forgotten . . . , have you ?
Don ’ t you remember . . . ?
Do you happen to remember it now ?

Ways To Respond

Let me think , yes , I remember .
I remember especially the scenery .
I ’ ll never forget that .
I ’ ll always remember .
I can remember it clearly

Informal Expressions

Remember the old house we used to live in ?
Remember that ?
I ’ m sorry , I don ’ t remember .

Ways To Respond

Hold on . Yes , got it !
I know . . .
It ’ s coming back to me now .

Response If You Forget

Sorry , I ’ ve completely forgotten .
I ’ m afraid I forget .
I really can ’ t remember .
I ’ m afraid I have no memory of him .
Err , let me think . No , it ’ s gone .
Sorry , it slipped off my mind .

Example :

It was Sunday morning , Bella got dressed & had breakfast quickly. She was ready to leave for school . Her mother was a little puzzled .

Mother : Hey . . . hey . . . are you going to school ?
Bella     : Yes , Mom . I overslept . I ’ m in a hurry .
Mother : You remember Sunday , don ’ t you ?
Bella     : Oh , my goodness . I thought it ’ s a school day !

Modals in the past form

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella

Modals in the past form












1 . Could + Verb base

To offer suggestions / possibilities

Example :

Patrick : Oh , no ! I left my shorts .
Spongebob : Don ’ t worry , Patrick . You could borrow my shorts .
Asmi : I ’ m having trouble with English .
Randah : Why don ’ t you ask Agnes ? Perhaps she could help you .

To indicate that the ability existed in the past but doesn ’ t exist now .

Example :

Tasya : Ras , can you climb the durian tree ?
Rasya : Well … I could climb durian tree when I was so young . But I think I ’ m too heavy to climb it .
Mia : Grandpa , what could you do when you were younger ?
Grandpa : When I was younger , I could swim across the big river very well & faster .

To express polite requests

Example :

Could I borrow your pencil ( please ) ?
Could you lend me your jacket now ?
Could you please close the door ?
Could you pass the salt ?

2 . Would + Verb base

For an action that was repeated regularly in the past

Example :

When I was a child , I would visit my grandparents every weekend .
On Sundays , when I was a child , we would all get up early & go fishing .

Insert rather into the pattern & use this expression to express preferences

Example :

Justin : What would you rather do in the weekend , go to the party / stay home ?
Eminem : I would rather go to the party than stay home .
Angel : Which country would you rather visit ?
Maria : I would rather visit Italia than Somalia .

To express polite requests

Example :

Andi : Would you mind cycling with me , Kala ?
Kala : No , not at all . It would be nice .
Mikola : Would you please pass the helmet , Bella ?
Bella : No problem .

3 . Should + Verb base

To give definite advice ( advisability )

Example :

Bunda : Putri , you should study tonight . You will have English test tomorrow , won ’ t you ?
Putri : I will , Bunda .
Debby : You should paint your door , Bobby . It looks terrible .
Bobby : Yes , I know I should .

To express the subject ’ s obligation / duty :

Example :

You should practice for more than an hour . ( to musical friend )
They shouldn ’ t allow parking here ; the street is too narrow .
Application should be sent before March 25 th .

4 . Might + Verb base

to tell possibilities

Example :

David : Where is Deddy ?
Copperfield : He might be in the studio with Kalina .

To express polite requests

Example :

Tian : Might I borrow your coat ?
Ringgo : I ’ m afraid not . It has been brought by Donny for weeks & I  don ’ t know when he ’ ll return it .

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