Surprise & Disbelieve

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella
Rabu, 02 Februari 2011


The act of coming upon unawarss or of taking suddenly and with out preparation .

To express surprise / disbelief :

What a surprise ! That ’ s a surprise !
( Well ) , that ’ s very surprising !
Really ?
What ?
Are you serious ? You must be joking !
You ’ re kidding !
Fancy that !
I must say . . . surprises me .
I find that hard to believe .

When you got a surprising fact , you can say :

Do you know what ?
Believe it / not ?
You may not believe it , but . . .
Can you believe this ?

You can respond to the surprising fact using these expressions :

Really ?
Are you joking ?
Oh ?
Where ? Show me .
To had nut to be true or not to exist
To Express :
Are you serious?
You are kidding? 

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