What That Primbon ? ? ?

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella
Minggu, 28 November 2010

What That Primbon ? ? ?

According to you , what the meaning of primbon ? ? ?

Sure , forecast of jawa ancient ! ! !
In fact , understanding of primbon is not concerning containing book of forecast of jawa ancient . But , Containing Book of items corps concerning english language . If e - primbon , can in interpreting electronic of primbon , /  english primbon . But , this primbon , do not write e - primbon , but primbon . I also explain e - primbon , if waiting , visitor there is visiting blog besides the blog of Primbon Bella & that blog , do not write down primbon like this blog , but e – primbon .

Why me explain concerning understanding of primbon to all visitors ? ? ? Because , I do not wish there is misunderstanding to regarding understanding of primbon & finally , making all visitors become shy at visit my blog . Possible , not merely possible me blog shy at to all visitors visit . But , blog - other blog which in it also study concerning primbon , will shy at visitor visit . I also ask forgiveness , if all that bother & freting all visitors . I think , so much notification of me , Bella Ayu Fitria , as owner of Primbon Bella . I also ask forgiveness , if during this , matter ‘ s which I provide in Primbon Bella , do not make satisfied visitor . Again , I am sorry which equal to - level of . . .

Thank You For . . .

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella
Selasa, 23 November 2010

Thank You For . . .

In to making this primbon , not merely involved in me of making this primbon . But , there are others which also follow assisted . I compliment , to my father , because have provided fund , so that I can go to booth of internet . If his unassisted , this primbon do not will exist . I also compliment to my mother , because have permitted me to go to booth of internet , so that I can make blog . I also compliment to my sister & brother , because have given me smile each every day , in me confused to again think of my blog . Although only a smile & that only small matter , but , that breathe life into for me to keep trying to make blog . I also compliment to my friends , because have given a few information concerning way make blog . Though only a few , but that very valuable for me . I also compliment , to my english language teacher , because have given me duty make blog , so that I can learn to make blog . Thank You , for God , which have given fluency for me , so that , my primbon , it is possible that goodly . Though do not perfect , but I remain to grateful . I also conciousness , that perfection , only God property . Though , I make my primbon with as perfect as possibly , but , nothing that more perfect of God . In fact , still many again , people , involved in making of my primbon . But , I remain to render thank you . Though , I am no time the saying of one per one . Again , thank you many . . .

You Need Know !

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella

You Need Know !

Not easy for me to make this primbon . Require to work to ossify & effort extra , to me earn to make this primbon . For me , making primbon in this blog , is new matter . Because , although before all , I have tried to make blog , but me always fail . Finally , I even also become lazyly , try to make blog again . But , because I get duty of my english language teacher , to make primbon in the form of blog , I even also finally , fight against to feel slack me . But , because duty that is , I become can make blog . Nevertheless , I also have to look for source - source loading how to make blog . His profit , I succeed him getting & finally , Primbon Bella even also become !

Concerning English Language

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella
Minggu, 21 November 2010

Concerning English Language  .

English language is lesson studying concerning english language . I start to study english language since class 4 elementary school . Initially , I not yet too understand concerning lesson of english language . Thus , assess my value even also become not good . Because I not yet too understand concerning lesson of english language . When junior high school , I even also re - meeting with lesson of English language . Same as time of elementary school , I even also still not yet too understand concerning lesson of English language . Thus , my value even also still bad , same as elementary school . But , when me class 2 junior high school , a few little for the shake of a few little , I even also see daylight concerning lesson of English language . When me senior high school even also , I still come in contact with lesson of English language . But , when senior high school , I do not only goting wise to english language . I also get wise to technology , from english language . All that , not quit of english language teacher which teaching me , that is , Mr . Erwanto . From his , nowadays , I see daylight concerning way make english language video , & make blog concerning english language . Accept love , Mr . Erwanto . . .

About My Family

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella
Jumat, 19 November 2010

About My Family .

This is My Father .


This is My Mother .


This is Me .


This is My Sister . Her name is Novi .

This is My Brother . His name is Ziro .


They are My Cousin :

1 .

Her name is Lina
2 .

Her name is Ella
3 .

His name is Adit
4 .

His name ‘ s are Alif & Alid . They are twin .

Don ' t Direct Go

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella
Kamis, 18 November 2010

Don ‘ t Direct Go

Before you go from Primbon Bella , there are some matters which must  paying attention :

  • Reexamine yours memory . Might possibly there is matter which you forget to remember Primbon Bella .

  • Ascertaining everything that wish you copy from Primbon Bella you have keep .

Possibly just that , some matters which must paying attention before you go out from Primbon Bella . Other possible time there will be addition again . I say , safe to pay a visit in Primbon Bella . Satisfied see matter which in Primbon Bella !

Greeting ' s Video

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Iklan Bella & Maria " Milkita Candy "

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Descriptive Text

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Descriptive Text

A kind of text to describe a particular person , place / thing .

The generic structure of Descriptive text :

Ø Identification :

Identifies phenomenon to be described .

Ø Description :

Describes part qualities & characteristic .

Linguistic features :
  1. Specific participants .
  2. Linking verbs .
  3. Simple present .
  4. Adjective .
  5. Noun phrase .

The Mango Tree In Our School

There are some trees in our school . Among them , there is a mango tree . The tree is front of our classroom .
The mango tree is very old . Maybe , it is the oldest tree at the school . The trunk is very big . It takes 2 children with arms outstretched to completely circle it . Surprisingly , it still bears a lot of fruit . No wonder , when mango season comes , my friend & I get excited . We all like to come to school really early so we can pick all the good ones . Before going home , we can not help taking a look at mouth watering sight on the tree , hoping that we might climb it again the next day .

A Broken 2 Broken From Owner Of Primbon Bella

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella
Rabu, 17 November 2010

A Broken 2 Broken Words From Owner Of Primbon Bella .

Hi , I say for all people that visit to my primbon . Contents of my primbon ‘ s are all materials about English language for 1 semester . But , I also do not know , if then day , I increase other materials about English language , & possible that not materials about semester 1 . Possible , I only increase materials about English language to my primbon . Because , there is some 1 that can angry , if I increase other materials , besided materials about English language to my primbon . The some 1 is Mr . Erwanto . He is my English teacher . Why is he prohibit for increase other materials besides materials about English language ? Because , the primbon destining for materials English language . Became , just ad for , in the primbon ,there are other materials besides materials English language . Really , he is not angry , if in the primbon , there are other materials besides English language . But , he only not like . I feel , so much a broken 2 broken words from me . I ‘ m sorry very much , if write the words , there is false . I hope , my primbon can useful for any1 that visit to my primbon . A last words from me , owner of primbon bella , thank you very much for any1 that visit to my primbon !


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Hi , guys ! Welcome to my primbon . Items that I will debate this time is greeting . In daily life , we often use greeting . Usually , we often say “ good morning “ , “ how are you ? “ , / “ nice to meet you “ , when we meet some 1 . Matters like this mention greeting .
( Introducing your self , introducing others , & ending conversation )

1 . How do you greet other people ?
  • Good morning
  • Good afternoon
  • Good evening
  • Good night
  • Hi , Ardi . . . .
  • Hello Arman . . . .
  • How are you ?
  • I ' m fine thanks , & you ?
2 . How do you introduce your self ?
  • How do you do ?
  • Hello I ' m , David
  • I ' m sue Washington . Please to meet you
3 . How do you introduce other people ?
  • I ' d like to introduce Andre
  • Nice to meet you
  • Nice to meet you too
This is example about greeting : 

Vocabs : Shapes & Part Of Body

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Part Of Body 


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Some thing with a gree met together from other person .
1 . Making an appointment
  • I ' d like to make an appointment with . . .
  • I want to make an appointment to see . . .
  • I ' d like to make an appointment to see . . .
  • I ' d like you to come & see me
  • Can I come & see you ?
  • I ' ll be there
  • What about . . . ?
2 . Accepting an appointment
  • All right , see you there
  • No problem , I ' m free on
  • Be there on time
  • I ' ll wait for you there
  • It ' s a deal
3 . Canceling an appointment
  • I ' m sorry . I ' m very busy
  • I ' m terrible sorry I have to put of my appointment
  • I ' m afraid I have to postpone my appointment with
This is example about appointment : 

Present Perfect Tense

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella

Present Perfect Tense


( has / have  +  past participle )
Examples :
  • You have seen that movie many times .
  • Have you seen that movie many times ?
  • You have not seen that movie many times .
Complete List of Present Perfect Forms

Use 1 Unspecified Time Before Now

We can use the present perfect with unspecific expressions such as : ever , never , once , many times , several times , before , so far , already , yet , etc .
Examples :
  • I have seen that movie 20 times .
  • People have traveled to the Moon .
  • Have you read the book yet ?

How Do You Actually Use The Present Perfect ?

Topic 1 Experience

You can use the present perfect to describe your experience .
Examples :
  • He has never traveled by train .
  • Joan has studied 2 foreign languages .

Topic 2 Change Over Time

We often use the present perfect to talk about change that has happened over a period of time .
Examples :
  • You have grown since the last time I saw you .
  • My English has really improved since I moved to Australia .

Topic 3 Accomplishments

We often use the present perfect to list the accomplishments of individuals & humanity .
Examples :
  • Man has walked on the Moon .
  • Scientists have split the atom .

Topic 4 An Uncompleted Action You Are Expecting

We often use the present perfect to say that an action which we expected has not happened .
Examples :
  • Bill has still not arrived .
  • The rain hasn ' t stopped .

Topic 5 Multiple Actions At Different Times

We also use the present perfect to talk about several different actions which have occurred in the past at different times .
Examples :
  • The army has attacked that city five times .

Time Expressions With Present Perfect

We can do this with expressions such as : in the last week , in the last year , this week , this month , so far , up to now , etc .

Examples :
  • They have had 3 tests in the last week .
  • My car has broken down 3 times this week .


" Last year " & " in the last year " are very different in meaning . It is not considered a specific time , so it requires present perfect .
Examples :
  • I went to Mexico last year .

Use 2 Duration From The Past Until Now ( Non - Continuous Verbs )

" For 5 minutes , " " for 2 weeks , " & " since Tuesday " are all durations which can be used with the present perfect .
Examples :
  • I have had a cold for 2 weeks .

Adverb Placement

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as : always , only , never , ever , still , just , etc .
Examples :
  • You have only seen that movie one time .
  • Have you only seen that movie one time ?

Active / Passive

Examples :
  • Many tourists have visited that castle . Active
  • That castle has been visited by many tourists . Passive
Past Perfect Tense
A kind of tense that is used to describe an action / an event that started in a certain time in the past & completed / finished till certain / an event that had happened before the other event / action happened .
The Pattern :
( + ) Subject + had + verb I I I + complement
( – ) Subject + had not + verb I I I + complement
( ? ) Had + subject + verb I I I + complement ?
Formula of Verbal Sentence :
( + ) Subject + Had + V3
( - ) Subject + Had + Not + V3
( ? ) Had + Subject + V3 ?

Example :
+ She had put my book on the table last night .  

Formula of Nominal Sentence
( + ) Subject + Had + Been + Non Verb
( - ) Subject + Had + Not + Been + Non Verb
( ? ) Had + Subject + Been + Non Verb ?
Example :
+ I had been there when the accident happened .
- I had not been there when the accident happened .
? Had had been there when the accident happened ?

Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect has 2 different forms : " will have done " & " be going to have done . " 

Form Future Perfect With " Will "

( will have + past participle )
Examples :
  • You will have perfected your english by the time you come back from the U . S .
  • Will you have perfected your english by the time you come back from the U . S . ?
  • You will not have perfected your english by the time you come back from the U . S .

Form Future Perfect With " Be Going To "

( am / is / are + going to have + past participle )
Examples :
  • You are going to have perfected your english by the time you come back from the U . S .
  • Are you going to have perfected your english by the time you come back from the U . S . ?
  • You are not going to have perfected your english by the time you come back from the U . S .

Use 1 Completed Action Before Something In The Future

Examples :
  • By next November , I will have received my promotion .
  • I am not going to have finished this test by 3 o ' clock .

Use 2 Duration Before Something In The Future ( Non - Continuous Verbs )

Examples :
  • I will have been in London for 6 months by the time I leave .
  • By Monday , Susan is going to have had my book for a week .

Remember No Future In Time Clauses

Like all future forms , the future perfect cannot be used in clauses beginning with time expressions such as : when , while , before , after , by the time , as soon as , if , unless , etc .
Examples :
  • I am going to see a movie when I will have finished my homework . Not Correct
  • I am going to see a movie when I have finished my homework . Correct

Adverb Placement

The examples below show the placement for grammar adverbs such as : always , only , never , ever , still , just , etc .
Examples :
  • You will only have learned a few words .
  • Will you only have learned a few words ?

Active / Passive

Examples :
  • They will have completed the project before the deadline . Active
  • The project will have been completed before the deadline . Passive
The structure of the future perfect tense is :
auxiliary verb WILL
auxiliary verb HAVE
main verb



past participle
Look at these example sentences in the future perfect tense :

auxiliary verb

auxiliary verb
main verb


by 10am.

me by then.
to school.





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