There are some reasons why English become international Ianguage . English , as state having the power of big , have colonized almost 1 / 3 world . That way , spreading of Ianguage which they use quicker even also in comparing Ianguage - other Ianguage . English colonize almost 1 / 3 state in world ! No wonder this Ianguage kalo many in using . English are state which have never in colonizing ! Hence him influence of this state is very strong in world . Amount of consumers of English which in confessing international also progressively many . More than anything else , Nation English moment colonize , they always teach that Ianguage . justly See , state of[is ex- English country , like , Malaysia & India . To this 2 state make English as Ianguage in interaction one day - day . Besides because many in wearing , Easy English in accepting & in studying . If some Ianguages use special alphabet , like , Japan , Chinese , Russia , English exactly use alphabet common public which have in world . Amount of states in plenty of world so that in requiring interracial communication meanses which can in accepting by all States . In consequence , chosen finally English lah as international Ianguage .
English History begin from the delivering birth of English in Island Briton more or less 1 . last 500 year . English is a Ianguage of Jermanik West coming from in alek - in Anglo alek - Friesian which in bringing to Island Briton by all immigrants of Jermanik from some Shareses North-West area which now in mentioning Dutch & Germany . Initially , Ancient English is group se in alek expressing the source of - immeasurable suggestion of empire - monarchic of Anglo - Saxon in English . Wrong 1 in this alek , Saxon West finally which predominating . Then original Ancient English later;then in influencing by 2 invasion wave . Waving invasion per tama is invasion all pouter of Ianguages of branch of Skandinavia Family Ianguage Germany . They conquer & dwelling some Briton shareses at century to - 8 & to - 9 . Then waving invasion to 2 this is tribe of Norman at century to - 11 saying a in Ianguage French alek . To this 2 invasion result Ianguage English " mixed " until selected rate ( though have never become a mixture Ianguage literally . Coexist with tribe member of Skandinavia finally create simplifikasi arrange Ianguage & rich of Anglo nucleus;core - English of Ianguage English .
Hi . . .
My name is Bella Ayu Fitria .
You can call me Bella .
I was born in Palangka Raya , septemberth , 27 th , 1995 .
Possible , just that which I can submit .
Thank you for your visit !