A Broken 2 Broken From Owner Of Primbon Bella

Diposting oleh Primbon Bella
Rabu, 17 November 2010

A Broken 2 Broken Words From Owner Of Primbon Bella .

Hi , I say for all people that visit to my primbon . Contents of my primbon ‘ s are all materials about English language for 1 semester . But , I also do not know , if then day , I increase other materials about English language , & possible that not materials about semester 1 . Possible , I only increase materials about English language to my primbon . Because , there is some 1 that can angry , if I increase other materials , besided materials about English language to my primbon . The some 1 is Mr . Erwanto . He is my English teacher . Why is he prohibit for increase other materials besides materials about English language ? Because , the primbon destining for materials English language . Became , just ad for , in the primbon ,there are other materials besides materials English language . Really , he is not angry , if in the primbon , there are other materials besides English language . But , he only not like . I feel , so much a broken 2 broken words from me . I ‘ m sorry very much , if write the words , there is false . I hope , my primbon can useful for any1 that visit to my primbon . A last words from me , owner of primbon bella , thank you very much for any1 that visit to my primbon !

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